Pregnancy-safe Acne Treatments: a Guide for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement and anticipation. However, along with the joy of expecting a little one, some women may experience unexpected changes in their skin, including acne. Dealing with acne during pregnancy can be challenging, as many traditional acne treatments may not be safe for the developing baby. In this blog, we will explore the causes of acne, the challenges faced during pregnancy, the importance of consulting a dermatologist, and safe options for treating acne during this special time.


Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Hormonal fluctuations, particularly increased androgen levels, are a primary trigger for acne breakouts. During pregnancy, the body experiences significant hormonal changes, which can lead to an increase in oil production and consequently, acne flare-ups.

Expectant mothers often find themselves grappling with acne, even if they had clear skin prior to pregnancy. This occurrence can be attributed to the hormonal shifts that take place during this time. The severity of acne can vary among individuals, with some experiencing mild breakouts and others facing more persistent and stubborn acne lesions.

If you are dealing with acne during pregnancy, it is essential to consult your dermatologist. Your dermatologist can provide professional guidance and expertise in managing your skin concerns safely. They will consider your unique circumstances, the severity of your acne, and the safety of potential treatment options for both you and your baby.


Fortunately, several pregnancy-safe acne treatments can help manage acne breakouts while keeping your baby’s well-being in mind. Here are some effective and safe options:

Gentle Cleansing: Switch to a mild, non-comedogenic cleanser that is free of harsh chemicals, such as salicylic acid (<2%) and benzoyl peroxide (<5%). Look for ingredients like glycolic acid or lactic acid which can help control acne without causing harm but it is important to talk to your Dermtologist first.


Certain topical treatments are considered safe during pregnancy. These may include azelaic acid, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, or topical erythromycin, a prescription antibiotic. However, it is crucial to consult your dermatologist before using any topical treatment.


Practicing good skincare habits and making healthy lifestyle choices can contribute to managing acne during pregnancy. Maintain a consistent skincare routine, avoid touching or picking at your face, and choose non-comedogenic makeup products. Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting regular exercise can promote overall skin health.


Dealing with acne during pregnancy can be frustrating, but it’s important to remember that there are safe treatment options available. By understanding the causes of acne, seeking guidance from a dermatologist, and following pregnancy-safe skincare practices, you can effectively manage acne breakouts while prioritizing the well-being of yourself and your baby. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so it’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice on managing your acne.
To book your FREE consultation with our acne specialists, call or text to book with our specialized team:

Grande Prairie location: (780) 533-7546

Edmonton location- Glenora or South: (780) 665-4646

We look forward to seeing you!

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