WOMEN’S HEALTH AND INTIMATE WELLNESS AT REJUVADERM: Empowering Your Feminine Wellness Journey with our Advanced Treatments

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Embarking on a path to enhanced feminine wellness is a deeply personal and transformative experience. At RejuvaDERM, we understand the delicate intricacies of women’s health and the profound impact it has on your quality of life, from sexual intimacy to the challenges of urinary incontinence. It’s time to shed any hesitation and embrace the conversation about your well being.

Our dedicated team, comprising of Nurse Practitioners and Laser Technicians, specialize in women’s health and intimate wellness, offering cutting-edge treatments designed to rejuvenate and empower you.

We’re proud to introduce our advanced, non-invasive technologies tailored for your unique needs:

1.    Emsella Chair – Your Pelvic Floor’s Best Ally: Embrace the revolution in pelvic floor health with the Emsella Chair, also known as the kegel chair. This FDA and Health Canada approved treatment utilizes High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to rejuvenate your pelvic floor muscles, offering a foundation o strength and control. Our comprehensive approach includes a personalized consultation, targeted treatment sessions, and an empowering education program. Join the 95% of women who report a significant improvement in their quality of life six months post-treatment.

2.  Fotona & CO2 Intima for Vaginal Rejuvenation: Both of these lasers are safe and quick, non-surgical treatments for vaginal rejuvenation. These Lasers have truly transformative power and are both Health Canada Approved. These innovative treatments address concerns such as vaginal laxity, dryness, and urinary incontinence, enhancing your intimate health and confidence. Experience the benefits of increased tissue strength, enhanced sensation, improved lubrication, and a swift return to your daily activities with no downtime.

3. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT): Hormonal balance is essential to your overall well-being, especially as you navigate the transitions of menopause. Our BHRT therapy uses plant-based hormones identical to those produced by your body, offering relief from menopausal symptoms, enhanced mood and energy levels, improved sleep, and a harmonious balance to your hormonal health.

Book your complimentary consultation.

Call or Text us at: 

Grande Prairie: (780) 533-7546

–       Emsella & CO2 Intima offered at this clinic

Edmonton – Glenora and South: (780) 665-4646

–       Emsella, Fotona & BHRT offered at these clinics

Read more below to learn more about each of these treatments and technologies.


Emsella restores the fitness and neuromuscular control of your pelvic floor. Emsella services at RejuvaDERM include a complimentary consultation with an Emsella Specialist, individualized treatment sessions using the technology, a comprehensive education program to empower you on all things pelvic health, and follow-up care. Our goal is for you to leave our clinic feeling excited, educated, and empowered knowing you are working with experts in pelvic health and with the Emsella Chair technology.

The Emsella treatment is clinically proven: Studies show that 6 months after treatment, 95% of women report significant quality of life improvement and nearly 70% have completely eliminated or significantly reduced their use of pads.

Is your life impacted by urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, or prolapse? If so, speak to one of our woman’s health experts today. We would love to join you on your journey to improved pelvic floor health.


Vaginal rejuvenation is an umbrella term for treatments to help tighten and support the vagina and its structures. It’s typically pursued because of concerns with loss of sexual function as a result of vaginal laxity or for women experiencing stress urinary incontinence.

What is the Fotona?

At RejuvaDERM, we use the Fotona Gynecological laser for treatments IntimaLase and IncontiLase. Fotona for vaginal rejuvenation is a Health Canada approved, non-surgical laser treatment designed to improve the health and appearance of the vaginal area. It is a safe and effective laser treatment that addresses vaginal laxity, dryness, and urinary incontinence. If you’re looking for a way to improve your intimate health and confidence, Fotona for Vaginal Rejuvenation could be the solution you’ve been searching for.

How does the Fotona work?

As women age, the skin of the vagina loses its elasticity as collagen fibers become fatigued. Just as cosmetic procedures have been used for decades to improve facial skin and to restore its youthfulness, non-surgical vaginal tightening with Fotona improves the health of vaginal tissue.

The treatment uses a gentle laser to stimulate collagen production and improve blood flow to the area, which can help to tighten and rejuvenate the skin and muscles in the vagina as well as improve the overall health of vaginal tissue.

Patients who try vaginal tightening with Fotona enjoy several important benefits:

  • Enhanced strength and elasticity of vaginal tissues
  • Stronger sensation during intercourse
  • Reduced symptoms of urinary incontinence
  • Improved vaginal lubrication
  • No downtime – return to normal life immediately following the procedure!

Are Vaginal Rejuvenation treatments painful?

Most people are concerned about pain when they come in for a vaginal rejuvenation treatment; however, it is, in fact, not painful. At most, patients may feel a bit of mild heat towards the end of the treatment. This is generally well tolerated by the body.

Each treatment takes anywhere from 45-60 minutes at the very most, and you can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. A series of treatments is typically required to achieve optimal results, and the number of treatments needed will depend on your unique needs and goals.

Take Control of Your Pelvic Floor & Intimate Health

At RejuvaDERM, we offer commentary consultations with our Woman’s Health Experts. From vaginal rejuvenation to addressing urinary concerns, our medical professionals offer discreet and effective solutions.


At RejuvaDERM, we offer BHRT hormone replacement therapy, to help balance levels of hormones, and relieve symptoms of hormone imbalance.

What is BHRT?

Bioidentical hormones are made from plants. These hormones are chemically identical to those the human body produces. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are among those most commonly replicated and used in treatment. Fortunately, a hormone imbalance is no longer something that people simply have to live with.

Who should consider hormone therapy?

Anyone who is dealing with a drop in essential hormones and is experiencing uncomfortable symptoms related to the transition into menopause can consider hormone replacement therapy. Hormone levels drop as you age, especially in women in perimenopause or menopause.

Why hormone balance matters.

Women often stop producing optimal amounts of each hormone around the age of 35. When this happens, symptoms like weight gain, brain fog, low sex drive and sleep issues can occur. In many cases, BHRT treatment eases or eliminates these issues.

There are over 50 identifiable hormones in the human body, and they control, regulate, or affect almost all of the processes that your body undergoes each day.

When your hormones aren’t at normal levels, it leads to a number of uncomfortable symptoms. Hormone imbalance can cause a host of issues for people of all genders, but women especially feel the effects of hormone changes throughout their lives.

Hormone imbalance in women can look like:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Memory loss
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Low libido

The most common hormonal issues women have that can be alleviated with the help of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

You may experience the following benefits:

  • Relief from Menopausal symptoms
  • Improved energy, mood and sleep
  • Improved metabolism and weight management
  • Better insulin resistance
  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • Positive impact on cardiovascular health
  • Improved vaginal lubrication and sexual experience
  • Increased skin hydration and skin thickness, boosts elasticity, and reduces wrinkles.
  • Overall improved mental well being

BHRT Personalized Menopause Care at RejuvaDERM

BHRT can effectively reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes and night sweats in postmenopausal women.

Our Nurse Practitioners at RejuvaDERM are specially trained in Personalized Menopause Management and use bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) for the management of symptoms associated with hormonal changes. Managing symptoms of menopause can provide life-altering benefits including management of hot flashes, mood changes, vaginal dryness, changes in libido, and sleep disturbance.

BHRT aims to relieve your menopause symptoms and other hormonal imbalances, but the hormones used in BHRT are chemically identical to those your body produces because they come from plant estrogens that can be custom-made to match your hormonal needs.

If you feel like your hormones are not in sync, the first step you should take is getting your hormones tested. A balanced hormone deficiency treatment plan may be your best solution. Whenever you start a new treatment plan, especially one that affects your overall body function, you should do so with medical supervision.

 Our Woman’s Health team at RejuvaDERM offers complimentary consultations and we take special care to ensure that every patient receives the levels of hormones needed to restore balance in their lives.

Book your consultation today.

Call or Text us at:

Grande Prairie: (780) 533-7546

Edmonton – Glenora and South: (780) 665-4646

We can’t wait to see you!

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