Arianna Bell

Cosmetic Nurse Injector

About Arianna

Arianna is a Registered Nurse who has been working and specializing in the world of cosmetics and aesthetics for over 6 years. During that time, she also worked in hospital at patient bedside in the worlds of orthopedics and in a highly specialized gastric weight loss healthcare centre, expanding her knowledge and furthering her understanding of the clients needs. Ariannas’ experiences have taught her just how deeply our sense of self and image impact our daily life, confidence, and mood.

Her personal mission as a cosmetic injector is to help you achieve the best possible, natural, beautiful you. She aims to bring your inner and existing beauty to a place that reflects what you feel, to be visible in your mirror. She also aims to ensure each individual she have the pleasure to see feels heard and listened to, informed, and most of all, comfortable and confident with the plan.

In her personal life, she is an equestrian athlete with three horses and a dog. She competes internationally and lives for the joy of it. Her own experiences as an athlete has given her personal insight on why so many of us feel so importantly about the image we present of ourselves, wanting people to see outside what we see within.

Arianna looks forward to the pleasure of meeting and working with you in clinic soon.

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