
Dermaplaning is a cutting-edge exfoliation technique that utilizes precise, practiced strokes of a medical instrument to gently lift dull skin cells and fine, vellus hair (short, thin hair present on many areas of your body), commonly known as “peach fuzz.” Causing no superficial irritation, dermaplaning is an effective exfoliation alternative to microdermabrasion or chemical peels for sensitive and all skin types.

Provided by trained Dermatology technicians under physician supervision, dermaplaning treatments are the perfect treatment on their own or as an add-on to any medical facial. Dermaplaning will NOT cause fine, vellus hair to grow back thicker or darker; in fact, dermaplaning simply trims vellus hair, or “peach fuzz,” from the skin’s surface, keeping hair follicles intact. Over time, and with continued dermaplaning treatments, vellus hair appears even finer. Immediately following your dermaplaning treatment, patients can return to their regular activities and enjoy instantly smoother skin and no downtime!

Dermaplaning has many benefits to the skin including revealing a more youthful glowing appearance to the skin, allowing skin care and topical products to penetrate more effectively, allowing makeup products to smoothly glide onto the skin reducing a cakey appearance, removing hair that can trap dirt and oils, and even reducing the appearance of acne scarring.

Dermaplaning is offered at both RejuvaDERM locations in Grande Prairie and Edmonton.

To book your free consultation to learn more about dermaplaning, call or text our:

Grande Prairie location: (780) 533-7546

Edmonton location: (780) 665-4646

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